Condolence Messages: Expressing your Love and Support
Writing condolence messages that express your love and support to a friend can be really difficult especially when it is your first time. However, it can be more difficult if you aren’t close to the deceased person.

When you hear of the dismissal of a loved one or of someone you know, you will want to show your love and also share in their grief. Knowing what to say at that point is very important.
If you are seeking help as regards expressing love and support to a friend or family in a form of condolence messages, we have rounded up simple yet heartfelt messages to write as a text or in a sympathy card.
Whether it is a colleague at work or a best friend who just lost someone dear to them, being thoughtful enough to send them a condolence message is important.
Most people have come to believe that written notes have a way of keeping memories in the heart of people. It is also said that written communication is the most effective mode of communication.
While these notes are intended to make the bereaved family feel better and also bring them out of a place of depression, you should make sure you are honest as you write.
How do you Write a Short Condolence Message?
Getting yourself worked out about this? You shouldn’t, you won’t go about it alone. If it is going to be your first time writing a condolence message, it is not weird. However, you must be sure that you don’t do it the wrong way.
- Avoid saying anything that might make the deceased family feel offended. You should, however, be particular about using simple words that are quick to understand.
- Do go about writing a long message. Be specific about the purpose of the message and don’t beat around the bush. In your condolence message, you can include “i am sorry for your loss, please accept my condolence”.
- You can also be reflective. If you have personal memories that you shared with the person who died, you can include how much you will miss doing such an activity with them.
- Make a kind effort to offer your love and support in kind. Always include in your text condolence messages that you are available if they need any help.
Some examples of condolence text are:
- I may not totally understand your loss and want you are going through but everything will fall back into its right place. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.
- Words can’t express how much I hate to see you sad. You are going to get through this because you are a strong person.
What is the Best Condolence Message Prayers?
Sending a word of prayer to someone who just lost a friend or family member will light up a spark in them and also give them the courage to go through that phase.
Most people might not relate to prayers but those who relate, they will appreciate and also draw strength from them.
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So, you might be wondering what kind of condolence message prayers would be best to send to a friend or family member.
You shouldn’t get worked up about it. We have provided some thoughtful condolence message prayers that you can send to a bereaved family.
- I’m not saying I don’t know how you feel, but I know that it is just for a moment. May the Lord take you through this phase and also strengthen you as you go through it.
- Life itself is not fair but we can always choose not to let its odds get to us. As you go through this phase of loss, may the Lord give you courage and strength. Please accept my condolences.
- The father’s arm is a good place to be at this point, he will wrap you in his arm and give you the love no one can give.
- That you are going through this right now doesn’t mean you’ve lost it all. My prayer for you is that the lord replenishes you greatly.
What is the Best Condolence Text Message?

As the bereaved go through a phase of grief and pain, they wouldn’t want to read lengthy text messages from you. You must ensure you go straight to the point when you want to send a condolence text message.
Some of the best condolence messages might sound cliche to you but they will communicate your love and support faster, instead of beating around the bush.
- May every happy moment you have enjoyed with your mum take you through this challenging time.
- I share your grief as you go through this loss. Whenever you need someone to talk to, I will be here.
- My heart breaks to have heard of the death of your Dad. Please accept my condolences for your loss.
- My heartfelt sympathies to your family during this challenging time.
- You are not going through this alone, I’m here for you.
- Please accept my condolences on the loss of your brother.
- I’m praying for you, please let me know if you need anything.
- My deepest sympathies, may your Mom rest in place.
- I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family at this difficult time.
- Please accept my condolences. I’m going to miss her/him/them too.
- I love you, and I’m here to support you.
- I want you to know that your friends love you and care about you. We are here for you.
- My heart is heavy today after hearing of your loss, and I know yours is too, but all will be well.
- As you go through this difficult time, remember that I am here for you and I love you too.
What are Some Deep Messages?
Everyone needs a written note to give them some kind of support and also help them through their difficult times. Whether these notes are for family members or friends, they should have some level of depth in them.
Looking for some in-depth messages, read through carefully to get inspiration;
- I know this is a tough time for you but be sure that you are not going through it alone. I LOVE YOU and I want to go through it with you.
- It is not only in good times that we are expected to be friends. Friendship should also stand the test of time and I won’t let go now. You can rest on me during this period of pain.
- I know we are told not to trust humans but how about you trust in my strength for you this period. You are going to be fine and before then, you can cry on my shoulders.
- Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. Let’s experience these challenges together my friend.
- Times of sorrow don’t last long. It has always been a time to learn and experience a lot from it. All is well my friend.
- When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
- A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again.
- No matter how prepared you think you are for the death of a loved one, it still comes as a shock, and it still hurts very deeply.
- Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in a time of sorrow.
- Unable are the loved ones to die, for love is immortality.
How do you Write a Comfort Text?
Below are some tips that can help you write a comforting text to console a friend that has just lost someone close to him or her.
- It might not be easy but just do it. Remember that the main idea for sending this text is to show that you are supportive and you love them. So, take a step and just do it.
- Make sure you don’t sound offensive. However, this will only happen if you don’t carefully use your words.
Here are some examples of texts for when you first hear about the death of someone;
- I have no words to say… But I want you to know that I love you and am here to support you.
- Oh, my friend! I just heard about the death of your mum, I’m so sorry! I will be praying for you.
- I heard about the death of your brother and I want you to know that I have you in my thoughts during this difficult time.
- Dear friend! I’m coming over as soon as I get off work. I care about you and will support you with anything you need!
- I just heard about your friend’s death, I’m so sorry for your loss! I’m sorry I can’t be there in person right now, but I am here to support you in whatever way I can. I’m free after Tomorrow, I’ll be available for anything you need me to do
The main idea of writing a condolence message is to let that person know that you think about them and that you are there for them.
With this, you should try as much as possible not to write a lengthy message that will bore them or make them stop halfway while reading.
You should be able to sum up your thoughts in words, be straightforward and also show love and support while you are at it.