35 Handmaid’s Tale Messages, Sayings, Quotes and Greetings
The dystopian drama has a lot of dark, twisted moments, but there are also surprisingly light-hearted scenes. Here are just a few of The Handmaid’s Tale messages that have made us laugh, cry and scream, “Praise be!”

As season 4 of The Handmaid’s Tale continues where we last left off, we’re looking back on all the most epic quotes from the hit Hulu show.
Tear-Jerking Handmaid’s Tale Quotes
Find out some of the best handmaid’s tale messages, greetings, and excerpts and their meanings here.
- “You can wet the rim of a glass and run your finger around the rim and it will make a sound. This is what I feel like this sound of glass. I feel like the word shatter.” — June (Season 1, Episode 4)
- “Better never means better for everyone. It always means worse for some.” — Fred (Season 1, Episode 5)
- “Every love story is a tragedy if you wait long enough.” — Fred (Season 1, Episode 5)
- “Cows don’t get married” — Janine (Season 2, Episode 5)
- “So far all you’ve offered me is coconuts and treason.” — Serena (Season 2, Episode 9)
- “Love is patient, love is kind.” — Eden (Season 2, Episode 12)
- “She cannot read his word!” — June (Season 2, Episode 13)
- “Everybody’s talking about happily ever after, but there’s just after.” — Moira (Season 3, Episode 5)
- “It’s lack of love we die from.” — June (Season 3, Episode 6)
- “He lives on the beach.” — June (Season 3, Episode 10)
Fiery Handmaid’s Tale Quotes
The handmaid’s tale messages include relatable sayings, greetings, and quotes. Here they are:
- “Nolite te bastardes carborundorum, b–ches.” — June (Season 1, Episode 4)
- “Praised be, b–ch.” — Moira (Season 1, Episode 9)
- “Our father, who art in heaven … seriously? What the actual f–k?” — June (Season 2, Episode 1)
- “It’s June. You know my f–king name.” — June (Season 2, Episode 4)
- “I shouldn’t have expected you to understand. You have no idea what it is like to have a child of your own flesh and blood. And you never will.” — June (Season 2, Episode 10)
- “You were supposed to be one of the strong ones.” — Serena (Season 3, Episode 9)
- “At least it wasn’t you.” — June (Season 3, Episode 10)

Inspiring Handmaid’s Tale Quotes
In the Handmaid’s Tale series, there are various distinct handmaid’s tale messages and sayings spoken by the handmaids, leaders, and other people in the Republic of Gilead.
- “Now, I’m awake to the world.” — June (Season 1, Episode 3)
- “There was an Offred before me. She helped me find my way out. She’s dead. She’s alive. She is me.” — June (Season 1, Episode 4)
- “Never mistake a woman’s meekness for weakness.” — Ambassador Castillo, quoting Serena’s book (Season 1, Episode 6)
- “I’m sorry, Aunt Lydia.” — Every Handmaid refusing to stone Janine (Season 1, Episode 10)
- “It’s their own fault. They should’ve never given us uniforms if they didn’t want us to be an army.” — June (Season 1, Episode 10)
- “Pull the strings.” — June (Season 3, Episode 4)
- “Muffins mean yes.” — Beth (Season 3, Episode 10)
- “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.” — June (Season 3, Episode 10)
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Funny Handmaid’s Tale Quotes
The handmaids, leaders, and other citizens of the Republic of Gilead utilize a variety of excerpts in their communication. Check out the following handmaid’s tale messages from The Handmaid’s Tale.
- “Can we do karaoke?” — Janine (Season 1, Episode 9)
- “Blessed be the fruit loops.” — Erin (Season 2, Episode 3)
- “May the force be with you.” — Janine (Season 2, Episode 8)
- “Owners are polite but creepy as f–k.” — June (Season 2, Episode 9)
- “I look like a pirate … a space pirate.” — Janine (Season 3, Episode 9)
Best Handmaid’s Tale’s Sayings and Greetings
There are numerous handmaid’s tale messages, quotes, and greetings with relatable meanings, some of which are listed beneath. They will enable you to understand the TV show much better.
- Praise be: It expresses happiness or gratitude for something, such as an excellent climate or a pregnancy. It is a simplified form of the famous Biblical statement, “Praise be to God.”
- Under his eye: It expresses greetings or goodbye. The expression alludes to the concept that God is constantly monitoring. It is also thought to refer to the clandestine guardians or eyes deployed throughout Gilead.
- May the Lord open: It’s the standard reaction to “blessed be the fruit.” It also implies that the Gileadians are requesting God to open the Handmaid’s uterus to a new life by praying for God to bestow fertility to the Handmaid.
- Godspeed: The saying is a declaration of good wishes to someone embarking on a journey.
- Blessed day or evening: It is the Gilead equivalent of saying good morning, afternoon, or evening.
- We’ve been sent good weather: It is one of the only small-talk words Handmaids can speak, usually while shopping. The correct response is “praise be” or “which I receive with joy”.
- Go in grace: It is commonly mentioned when departing, or someone is about to face or undertake something unpleasant.

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Bottom Line
Above are some of the handmaid’s tale messages, quotes, and greetings with their respective meanings.
The Handmaid’s Tale is a nightmarish TV series from the United States developed by Bruce Miller drawn out of Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel.
Many of their expressions have religious origins and are taken directly from the Christian Bible.
Nothing brightens a lady’s day like a real compliment. A compliment is a powerful strategy for individuals to communicate positivity and good sentiments to one another.
Simple statements can have a huge impact and be quite encouraging.