What is the Best Way to Explain a Termination?

Wondering how to explain termination on an application? While it is hard to clarify why you changed the job when you were dismissed, you can state that you had a better opportunity elsewhere.

How to Explain Termination

Your words have to be very cautious, especially if you find yourself in an argument with your former boss.

It is essential to demonstrate that you came out of the experience with a new insight and a determination to make yourself a better person.

We have listed out a few steps on how you can inform termination, and we will look at some tips on how to inform the termination, and when it is the right time to talk about it on your resume.

How to Explain Termination

If you need to explain why you were fired from a previous job on a job application, here are some simple steps you can follow to be sincere about it:

1. Discover the Reason Why You Lost Your Job

Let us take some time to discuss what caused the termination of your previous employment.

If it is because of some external factors which are non-controllable like the company going under or a layoff of the employer, this is acceptable.

Nevertheless, if it is about the work quality or ethical considerations, it is worth mentioning what you have done to solve the problem.

In case you think that there is still some unclear and not explained point of your dismissal, please contact your ex-bosses or HR to give you a clear picture of the whole story.

2. Concise Your Explanation

You don’t need to include a detailed essay where you tell about your work in the application form.

On the day of the announcement, the results will be made public and the awards will be given to the best teams.

If the given task is related to your performance, you could choose to inform what you did to improve or simply mention your performance level.

For example, “I lost position due to the fact I didn’t meet sales objectives, but after that, I learned sales tips from my mentor”.

3. Be Honest

Always tell the truth. Although you do need to go into every detail just be honest.

Highlight the changes that you have made in your life and how you have progressed since then.

As an example, if you were fired for not meeting your deadlines, you could say, “Let go for not meeting performance standards.

I have created a better schedule to stay on track now”.

4. Describe Your Termination Positively

Furthermore, even if you did not have a good termination, try to tell about it with a positive spin.

You may elaborate more on this if the interviewer requires additional information.

As a future leader, using positive words shows your optimistic nature.

For instance, you could write that “the argument with the boss over workload led to different views on work standards” as the reason for leaving.

5. Keep It Gentle

Softening your language can make your explanation easier to swallow for the hiring manager.

For instance, if you didn’t make a profit in your finance job, you could say, “Parted ways to explore new opportunities.”

By following these steps, you can explain your termination in a way that’s honest and positive.

Tips for Explaining the Termination

How to Explain Termination

Here are some tips to help you explain your termination in more detail if the hiring manager or interviewer asks about it during your job interview:

1. Process Your Termination

Take some time and process any emotions that you may have about being fired.

Attempt to limit any negativity to prepare for the job interview positively.

2. Get a Positive Reference

If it can be arranged, ask for a good reference from your last job from an individual who didn’t take any part in your termination.

This will make the situation more equal and will possibly prevent the interviewer from having any negative impressions of you.

3. Stay Positive

Even in the case you were fired in a difficult situation; please avoid throwing a negative light on the company during the interview.

This indicates that you are a grown-up person and that you can handle difficult situations with a big smile.

4. Be Confident

Make sure you don’t show any sign of being nervous while giving your reason for getting fired.

It supports the interviewer to trust the fact that they are making the right decision in hiring you.

5. Keep It Short

If the interviewer omits the topic of your termination, you should only discuss the issue if they bring it up.

And to keep things simple and on point, have a short and precise explanation. Do not be too much confident that it will dominate the rest of the interview.

6. Share What You Learned

Make it clear how you’ve changed as a result of this episode and what you’ve done to fix it.

This proves that you are not only a self-starter, but also a very intentional individual who is always seeking to grow.

7. Guide the Conversation

After explaining your termination, steer the conversation towards the present and future.

Focus on what you can bring to the new job rather than dwelling on the past.

When is it Right to Talk About Termination on an Application?

Here are three situations you might encounter regarding discussing termination on a job application, along with tips on how to handle them:

1. Leaving out the Termination Question

Other times, job applications wouldn’t come with a direct question about previous termination.

This means that you don’t need to bring it up if it is the reason you are applying.

Better leave it till the face-to-face interview if the subject is raised.

2. A “Yes” or “No” Question About Termination is Provided

Termination is the last resort, and the company will only terminate an employee if all other options have been exhausted.

It is very important to make sure that you answer honestly when the application asks a straightforward question like “yes” or “no” about past terminations.

As long as you don’t mention terminations on the application, they probably won’t discuss that with you during the interview.

3. Full Explanation Required

In a few situations, an application might inquire about your reasons for the termination of your employment.

If this is the case, avoid making your arguments too long and just concentrate on the main points.

You can be straightforward and to the point without taking much time or needless details. The manager can get a lot of details during the interview if he needs to.

The main objective here is to remain honest but at the same time, you need to be aware of the level of detail you give at the start.

It is often nice to save the deep explanations for the interview where you can determine the interest of an interviewer and thus, you can deliver a perfect response.

Telling someone that the job has ended can be very demoralizing, but with a sincere approach and positivity, one can handle it efficiently.

Despite the difficulties of the topic, if you are confident and forward-looking you can transform this into the time to demonstrate your resilience and the readiness to move on to the next stage in your career path.

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