100+ Short & Warm Welcome Messages for Customers
Warm welcome messages have the power to make people happy, whether they are your clients, colleagues, employees, friends, or loves. Especially if they have just returned to their job or from a trip.

Sending pleasant words to your friends and family is so beneficial. You can offer them a welcome greeting from our selection.
Best Welcome Messages
If you have a new party to meet and greet politely, send along a lovely, meaningful welcome message while delivering them a real grin! Perfect welcome messages might be difficult to locate, so aid yourself with a compilation of unique welcoming words and notes below!
- A very warm welcome to you! It is lovely to have you among us!
- It is our great pleasure to have you on board! A hearty welcome to you!
- We are glad to welcome you! Your presence is well appreciated, and we are delighted you are here.
- Congratulations on being a part of our group. We would like to welcome you to our team and are extremely happy to have you as one of us.
- Welcome, dear. Hope you will enjoy the company as much as we would yours. Excited to make great things together.
- It’s a privilege to have you around. Welcome back to work dear. It’s not the same without you, trust me.
- I’m really happy to welcome you here. Hope we will have a great time. Let’s enjoy ourselves and have a blast.
- Welcome back home! Nothing’s been the same without you, honey.
- Sending you a warm hug and welcome abroad. Hope we will have a great time ahead.
- Our family is blessed to have you as our guest. Welcome, dear!
Short Welcome Messages
- Thank you for joining us, you are cordially welcomed!
- Welcome to you! We believe you would excel in your job and achieve many great things!
- We welcome you cordially to grace us with your presence! Feel at home, please!
- Welcome on board! Our pleasant greetings go out to you on your arrival!
- Welcome, dear friend! Days aren’t the same when you’re not around!
- To my special someone, here’s a warm welcome just for you! Know that I am filled with joy having you today!
- Your presence brings warmth to my heart. Welcome, buddy!
- Today is going to be great because you are here! Welcome, and let’s get this party started!
- Time to create memories! Welcome, and glad you are here today!
- We are so happy to have you. We have longed to see you this year. Now that you’re finally here, we welcome you!
- We do hope you will enjoy our bonding moments today! Welcome, dear guest, to our humble home!
- We look forward to working with you! Please do not worry. We will support you all the way. Welcome to our company!
- We are grateful to have you with us! Make yourself at home!
- We are honored to have an amazing person like you from whom we can learn tons. Welcome to the group!
- My life will be at its best now that I have met you. I know that you will greatly influence me to be a better person. I would like to welcome you, and please know how happy I am to be with you.
- Our hearts are filled with delight, for we finally have you with us! We are so glad to have you here with us today.
Welcome Messages for Employee

- We extend our warmest greeting to you! You are an excellent addition to our organization!
- Our company extends its warmest welcome to you! We know that your brilliance will contribute greatly to the continuous growth of our organization and the realization of our goals.
- Welcome aboard, Mr/Ms (name)! Your reputation precedes you, and so we look forward to working with you and learning from you!
- We extend our heartfelt welcome, Mr/Ms (name)! Hiring you will surely bring forth great things for the company. We know you will be amazing here!
- We are so blessed to know a brilliant and hardworking worker such as you as an addition to our work family. Welcome, and we hope you’ll grow with us!
- We believe that you are a perfect addition to our company. Welcome on board!
- Your talent and skills are a great addition to our company. We are so delighted to welcome you, and we hope you will grow beautifully with us.
- Together, we will achieve great things because we have you with us! Welcome to our team!
- Welcome to our family! We are so eager to see you at work, and together, we are magnificent!
- Your youthful energy and vibrance will be an asset to the company! We are more than eager to make things happen with you! Welcome, colleague!
Welcome Messages for Customers

- Our cordial welcome goes to you! Thank you for trusting us and appreciating our venture!
- Dear customer, welcome. Please ask for any assistance. Hope to help you and make your visit meaningful.
- We are glad that you have decided to join us. We will send you the latest announcements and offers to keep you updated. Thank you for your trust!
- We are nothing without customers! Welcome to our shop where you’ll find everything you want! Your presence is our motivation to do better!
- Our heartiest welcome goes to you. Thanks for being a proud customer of our unique and ever-expanding line of products! We’re honored to have you with us always!
- We know the value of each penny you spend on buying our products. We appreciate you for trusting us! Satisfying your needs is our mission. Welcome to our [new] shop!
- Welcome and greetings! We promise to not disappoint you with our finely crafted products!
- Let us welcome you with the warmth of our hearts as we introduce our new product to the market. It’s your time to be a proud owner of it!
- Welcome to our company! We appreciate your interest and are delighted to have you onboard.
- Thank you for joining us! We are so excited to have you in our team. As a welcome gift, we offer a discount of [%] off any order.
Welcome Messages for Guests
Send one of the following texts to a new guest at your hotel or apartment complex to make him or her feel welcome:
- As you settle in, know that warm wishes are being sent to you today.
- Hope your stay here is as pleasurable as having you stay here is.
- We hope your stay with us is totally enjoyable. Making it so is our mission.
- As you move into your new apartment, we look forward to doing what we can to make living here a wonderful experience. Pleased to meet you!
- You are warmly welcomed. We honor your presence.
- Having you as a guest couldn’t be more exciting. Your presence is delightful.
- Welcome wishes are sent your way. Hope this message brightens your day.
- Warm wishes are sent your way to make you feel comfortable with your stay here.
- It’s a pleasure and an honor to have you as a guest.
- We hope that your stay here is as meaningful to you as it is to us. Warmest wishes and greetings!
Welcome messages are very necessary to ensure the smooth running of your relationship between your colleagues, employees, friends and family. Their role in your life isn’t as considerable as the intent of the welcome message.