How to Work More Effectively

On the job, you often have to master many challenges at the same time. However, there are ways to help you work on an important task with as much concentration as possible. And there are certain websites to help you with that. The following tips are easy to integrate in your life and not time consuming.

How to Work More Effectively

In the modern working world, it is more important than ever to work efficiently and productively in order to meet the demands of professional life. Unfortunately, time pressure combined with a heavy workload often leads to stress and overwhelm.

We try to multitask and get a hundred things done at the same time. On top of that, many employees are surrounded by displays, screens, and other technologies that demand attention day in and day out.

Fortunately, there are some tips and assistance that can help get work done more effectively.

Our Plan for Your Productivity

1. Deep-work Theory: Directing Full Concentration to a Task

An important starting point is the deep-work theory of the successful author and computer science professor Cal Newport.

This states that high-quality work is best done when we are in a state of peak concentration. The focus here is on depth: instead of superficially dealing with multiple tasks, we concentrate on just one.

In contrast to the so-called Shallow Work mode, we don’t answer calls, messages and mails on the side. All our attention is on solving a challenging task while distractions are minimized.

This has the advantage that our cognitive resources can be better utilized.

2. Create Fixed Routines in the Daily Job Routine

Our brain’s ability to concentrate is limited. If we spend hours on a complex topic, at some point our body needs a break because it can’t process more information.

That’s why it’s helpful to establish fixed routines and rituals. To better assess our own performance, it helps to pay attention to how long we can work in a concentrated manner.

Accordingly, the workday can be structured with appropriate breaks. It also makes sense to have a specific place for “deep work”.

In the home office, for example, this is the desk in the office room, where other family members cannot disturb. Companies, in turn, should provide their employees with a place that allows them to work undisturbed.

3. Complete Simple Tasks First

In order to remain successful in the deep-work phase, concentration robbers should be eliminated as much as possible.

If the phone is constantly ringing or emails have to be answered, we can’t concentrate one hundred percent on the task that is actually important.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that messages should go unanswered. It’s best to take half an hour first thing in the morning to complete these simpler tasks.

It pays to be tightly organized and enter deep-work phases in the appointment calendar. Colleagues should also be informed of this.

4. Be Aware of How You Use Social Media

When using Instagram, Twitter and the like, if you don’t want to be distracted by them, it can help to set a daily time limit for certain apps.

Of course, social media also has positive sides: Many posts provide us with important information or can help inspire our work.

Some people find it helpful to have two smartphones. One is used only for work, while the other is used in leisure time.

5. Endure Unattractive Tasks

Unfortunately, important tasks don’t take care of themselves. Sometimes we just have to bite the bullet and slog through a charmless task for hours.

In these situations, the desire to distract ourselves from the monotonous activity quickly arises. However, this is exactly what pulls us out of the deep-work phase and ultimately causes work to take longer.

Cal Newport therefore recommends embracing the feeling of boredom rather than fighting it. If we repeatedly train our brains to resist distractions, we’ll find it much easier to work on complex or monotonous tasks over time.

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