Discord Account Disabled | How to Recover it Quickly

Discord account disabled has been one problem that most of us find very difficult to solve. Discord is one of the most commonly used messaging platforms for gamers and has been becoming increasingly popular.

Discord Account Disabled

Discord Account Disabled

Having your Discord account disabled can be a royal pain in the backside, but it rarely happens unless warranted.

While it may not be unheard of to have your account banned from a single server, it is not normal to have your entire account disabled.

However, there are other ways to have your account disabled. One reason they may disable your account is if you went against the terms of service.

Reason Your Discord Account is Disabled 

If you repeatedly post things that are deemed “objectionable” by Discord’s community guidelines, your account may be disabled.

Bullying, making false complaints, stealing passwords, spreading viruses, and sharing cheating software will all result in the suspension of your account.

If you promote dangerous or illegal behaviour, they may remove your entire server, and Discord may notify your local law enforcement.

More Reasons Your Discord Account is Disabled 

It is understandable that Discord would disable, ban, and destroy accounts that use their platform to commit these heinous crimes.

Not all the reasons they could have disabled your account are due to negative actions you may have taken.

They may disable also if you repeatedly enter the incorrect email address or password.

This is not a method of punishing the user for not knowing their log-in information, but a method of protecting your account from hackers.

Steps to Recover Back Your Discord Account

Steps to Recover Back Your Discord Account

Luckily, there are solutions for whatever reason your account becomes disabled. Below are some steps:

1. Figure Out Why They Disabled Your Account

Unless there has been a malfunction with Discord’s algorithm, Discord will not disable your account arbitrarily. If you cannot log in, Discord will send you a message.

A failed login will cause a message from Discord saying, “Your Account Has Been Disabled” to appear on your screen.

You should check your email inbox for more information on why they disabled your account.

Check the email address associated with your Discord account for an email from Discord.

This message will specify the reason(s) for your disablement.

2. Contact Discord

Discord will only restore accounts that were incorrectly disabled, primarily because of algorithm errors and login security precautions.

Discord will not restore your account if they believe they punished you fairly.

They will not restore your account if they are disabled, because you knowingly violated community guidelines.

Discord does not want to punish users who have done nothing wrong.

That is why there is a “Help & Support” page. You ensure you are submitting the correct type of request.

Other Information on Contacting Discord

Other Information on Contacting Discord

Another dropdown menu will appear beneath where you enter your email address.

You should select the final option, “Appeals, age update, and other questions.”

Another dropdown menu will appear because of this. Choose “Appeal an action taken on my account or bot” from this menu.

There is another menu beneath this one where you must select “An action taken on my account.”

To proceed, you confirm they suspended your account because the user is too young.

3. Writing Your Request

You should put something like “My account was Disabled” in the subject line. Keep your topic brief and to the point.

You will have access to the entire description to go into greater detail about what happened. You must describe the issue that resulted in your account being disabled.

Let Discord know, for example, if they disabled your account because of your inability to remember your login information.

You can notify Discord that it was you who attempted to access your account and that you simply mistyped or mixed up your login information.

Additional Information on Writing Your Request

The most professional way to describe this situation is to start by saying that you read the email that explained why your account was disabled, but you haven’t done what the email said you had done.

Those who have actually done what Discord accuses them off will have a much more difficult time getting their accounts back before the waiting period expires.

You must apologize and show Discord that you understand the consequences of your actions.

The best Discord apology message is one that uses its own words.

4. Contact Discord on Twitter

Are you too lazy to email or go through the trouble of filling out their form? Email communication can be slow, which means you’ll have to wait longer to get your account back.

Fortunately, you can also reach them via Twitter! You can either tag them in a regular tweet or message their account directly.

Go directly to direct messaging because your public conversation will almost certainly end up in the DMs.

It is preferable for your conversation to remain private because much of the information they require is sensitive.

5. Use Facebook to Message Discord

Perhaps you’re more familiar with Facebook’s interface and Messenger, its messaging extension.

In that case, Discord has an Official Facebook Account where you can message them directly.

Simply click the Message button in the action section of their Facebook page.

Then, at the bottom of your screen, a small Messenger window should appear.

6. Write to Discord on Instagram

Discord also has an official account on another popular social media platform: Instagram.

Because this is Instagram, you’ll need to search for them in the mobile app.

You can, however, continue your conversation on the website because Instagram recently added this feature.

They don’t know who you are or which account you’re referring to, as with any other social media platform.

As a result, you’ll need to provide some preliminary Discord account information before proceeding.


7. Message the Discord Subreddit’s Moderators

Message the Discord Subreddit’s Moderators

Are you a frequent Reddit user? On that note, perhaps communicating with Discord via their subreddit is for you.

In fact, their subreddit has a slew of moderators to ensure that they heard your message.

8. Enable Two-Factor Authentication on Your Discord Account

Two-factor authentication, or 2FA, is a method of ensuring that only you can log in, thereby increasing the security of your account.

To log in, you’ll need two or more pieces of evidence to prove their authenticity, as the name implies.

These days, the two will be your usual password and a software token, which is a constantly changing code on a mobile app.

9. Stay Cautious Around Randoms

Communicating with automated spambots in your DMs is one way to get flagged as a false positive in Discord’s systems.

Bots will send you an enormous wall of text, offer deals that seem too good to be true, or use rather stiff sentences and grammar.

Apart from being incorrectly flagged, these automated spam bots are generally suspect, sending malicious links that can steal your information and potentially expose your sensitive credentials!

More Information on Stay Cautious Around Randoms

If you can’t seem to avoid them, the very least you could do is install an antivirus program to keep any suspicious programs from running on your computer.

What if you’ve already spoken with someone suspicious or clicked on a dubious link?

We strongly advise you to change all of your passwords, from your email to your bank account.

Overall, be cautious about who you talk to on Discord.

Never give out your personal information to anyone! It’s unfortunate how many people they exploit on the Internet because of bots or manipulators.

10. Leave Suspicious Discord Servers

In the same way that interacting with malicious bots raises suspicions about your account, simply being present on a shady and possibly illegal server does.

After all, those who join such servers frequently have malicious intentions and will almost certainly be banned, eventually.

 As we mentioned earlier, any server that violates the Terms of Service or Community Guidelines is one you should avoid.

You may have been falsely reported by other members of that server as well.

4. Hearing From Discord

After you submit your request, expect to hear from Discord within a week.

You will hear from them via email, so check it frequently.

Check your spam folder if you haven’t heard from Discord after five to seven business days.

For accounts that were accidentally disabled, Discord will apologize, and they will restore shortly your account before you receive the email.

The same holds true if they have disabled your account due to login issues. 

More Information on Hearing From Discord

To show that you have read the community guidelines, terms of service, and Discord’s response email, you must respond and promise not to make the same mistake again.

You will also be required to promise not to break any other rules. Discord closely monitors its users’ track records.

Consistent rule breakers will not be treated as leniently as first-time offenders.

This is especially true when the same rule is broken repeatedly.

Repeating the same offence can have far-reaching consequences beyond simply disabling your account.

Disabling Your Own Account

Disabling Your Own Account

Discord users typically try to avoid having their accounts disabled, but some users will disable their accounts for a break, for peace of mind, or because they don’t want other people interacting with their accounts.

Go to your settings and select “My Account” from the left side of the screen to disable your own account.

At the bottom of the screen, you will see in red the options to disable or remove your account.

Check that you have disabled your account rather than deleting it.

Restoring Your Self-Disabled Account

When you open the Discord app after disabling your account, you must log in with your email and password.

It is critical that you log in with the correct email and password so that Discord does not also disable your account.

After you log in, you will see a message stating that your account is scheduled for deletion. 

To avoid deleting your account, select the “Restore Account” option in the white box below.

Make your decision to restore your account within 14 days or fewer, or it will delete your account.

Messaging Discord Through Social Media

messaging discord through social media

Even in a large company like Discord, some consumer appeals can slip through the cracks.

In these cases, you should contact Discord via another method.

You should wait at least a week before using this method of contact, but it may be necessary in some cases.

Discord has pages on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, and Twitter.

You will need to message them on Facebook using the Messenger app. Regardless of the platform you choose, your message should be consistent.

Other Information on Messaging Discord Through Social Media

You should also only ask on a different platform if you have not received a response from the first.

Include your Discord email address and the username of your disabled account.

Also, include the date you discovered they disabled your account in your message.

If you have any support ticket IDs, share them as well.

It’s pointless to message the social media pages if you’ve already received a response from Discord’s support team.

Going to another company employee will not change the company’s decision.

Keeping Discord Safe

Keeping Discord Safe

Discord bans and disables accounts solely to keep the user and all other users on their platform safe.

To keep themselves safe, they also use bans and the ability to disable accounts.

Discord recognizes that, as a company and a social media platform, it has a responsibility to foster an environment that prevents harmful or illegal activities from flourishing.

Users who endanger the platform’s security must be removed from the platform.

Nothing is more vexing than logging into Discord to chat with friends, only to discover that they have disabled your account for no apparent reason.

More Information on Keeping Discord Safe

It is preferable for them to accidentally disable too many accounts than to miss dangerous accounts.

Discord is only looking out for their community, and they’ve punished those who break the rules while still providing a safety net for users who have they have wrongfully accused.

The platform’s algorithm will improve over time as it grows and evolves.

Remember to stay calm and patient if discord has disabled your account.

Difference Between a Deleted Account, and a Disabled Account?

Difference Between a Deleted Account, and a Disabled Account?

Before learning about the discord-disabled account, it is critical to understand what factors distinguish them from one another.

The major difference between them is that once you choose to delete your Discord account, you cannot change your mind or recover it.

You may need to create a new account to regain access to Discord. The second option provided by Discord is to disable your account.

What Do Discord Disabled Accounts Look Like?

You may wonder what your Discord account will look like or act like after you disable it because disabling your account does not permanently delete it.

It remains on the server, but you no longer have access to it.

They displayed disabled accounts as regular accounts, but they never go online and remain offline.

 However, if you delete a Discord account, the server will show that the user deleted his account.

What are the Major Privacy Violations?

What are the Major Privacy Violations?

Some of the community guidelines of Discord that may have led to the account being disabled for users are:

1. Harassment

Harassment of fellow users for certain disagreements in interactive sessions is against Discord’s guidelines.

It does not serve as a platform for the spread of negative comments or speeches.

In such a case, if any of the users report the post as harassment, the perpetrator’s account will be disabled after an investigation.

2. Hate Speech

Assume they discovered a user spreading biased opinions about sex, religion, or caste.

In that case, they can report the post as an act of hate speech, and they will disable the account after further investigation.

 In addition, if a user threatens the following users for any reason, they will disable their account.

This is a growing reason for users to have their accounts disabled.

3. Repeated Friend Request

Discord has a feature for sending friend requests or communication invitations.

If they discovered a user sending the request repeatedly, even after they have rejected it several times, Discord is likely to disable the account as well.

 In addition, any user with a channel involved in the creation or sharing of content must follow proper procedures. The first step is to label the content as NSFW if it contains adult content.

4. Sexualizing Minors

They strictly prohibited discord users from sexualizing minors. They may consider it an offence even if it falls outside Discord’s community guidelines.

 If a user shares sexual content with another user without their consent, the second party must report the case to Discord, which will disable the perpetrator’s account.

5. Selling Severs

Selling one’s own server to another is another violation of Discord’s rules.

This has implicated Many users in this violation, and as a result, they have disabled their accounts.

Frequently Asked Questions

After determining the reason for your Discord account’s deactivation, you must contact the Discord support team to reactivate or re-enable your account. 

They deleted discord-disabled accounts after 14 days. They deleted disabled accounts after 14 days so there would be no record of the account’s existence.

Because they have disabled the old account, you must create a new one. Anyone can still use your username and Discord ID, and they changed the old account’s username to “deltoids” along with its Discord ID.

The only way to resolve them is to go to the Official Discord Support website and submit a ticket and voice your complaint.

No, they’ll remove from the server completely, including all of their conversations, bans, and preferences. The only thing left over after they deleted an account is any roles the user had before being banned.

You can do so by going to User Settings -> Privacy and Safety and clicking the “Request all of my Data” button. This button exists everywhere you can use Discord (Desktop App, Browser, and on Mobile!).

The ban will be permanent until a moderator unbans the user. They can use Bots to ban a user in the meantime. 

They banned over 4 million accounts, received 45,046 appeals, and unbanned approximately 18,000 accounts, resulting in a 0.44 per cent reversal rate.

Yes, you can IP ban someone on Discord. Every time you ban someone, it is automatically an IP ban.

Yes! Bans can be temporary and permanent, and the company can end your account

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