13 Interesting & Fun Facts About Chocolate and Cocoa You’ll be Glad to Know

One fun fact about chocolate may make you want to buy one right away even if you don’t really need reasons to like them; some of it may even inspire you as you learn more about them.

fun fact about chocolate

If you’re a die-hard chocolate fan, you already know how many functions it fills in our lives, and the greatest part is that there’s never a bad time to have them. 

Cacao beans are roasted, cracked, winnowed, and processed into chocolate to create these delightful treats. 

Because cacao beans have such a strong bitter flavor, they are mostly processed to increase the sweetness of chocolates. 

Did you know that manufacturing chocolate is a difficult task?

Despite their respected reputation and illustrious history, cacao, or cocoa, beans require a lot of processing before they can be turned into chocolate.

Due to their ability to elevate brain levels of serotonin and endorphins, chocolates are well-recognized stress relievers, relaxants, and aphrodisiacs. 

Because they contain roughly 70% cocoa, which is rich in healthy antioxidants, dark chocolate is really recognized to provide a number of health benefits

Even if we don’t really need justifications for our love of chocolate, the following information about them will make you want to take one up right away and some of it may even fuel your curiosity.

13 Interesting & Fun Facts About Chocolate and Cocoa

13 Interesting & Fun Facts About Chocolate and Cocoa

1. Milk Chocolate was Invented in Switzerland

In the year 1875, the Daniel Peter invented milk chocolate. It is well known that he spent eight years developing this formula. The main component ended up being condensed milk. 

2. Cacao Trees are Almost Immortal

The gorgeous tropical cacao trees can survive for up to 200 years. Interestingly enough, they only produce beans for 25 years of their existence.

3. Roasting Cocoa Beans has a Reason

In addition to the fact that raw cocoa beans do not taste anything like chocolate, they also carry microorganisms that may be hazardous to people. 

In order to produce chocolate with an acceptable flavor, cocoa beans must be properly roasted, which involves a number of chemical reactions.

4. Chocolate Milk Could be a Post-Workout Recovery Drink

The International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism reported that chocolate milk replenishes your muscle carbohydrate stores.

5. Hot Chocolate was the First Chocolate Treat, not the Bars

Aztec and Mexican cultures both made cocoa, but it wasn’t anything like the hot chocolate we enjoy today. 

It was primarily a bitter beverage that was frequently consumed at weddings and other special events.

6. Then Came Our Favourite Chocolate Bars

One of the most well-known chocolate manufacturers didn’t create the first chocolate bar until 1842.

7. Growing a Cocoa Tree is no Joke

A cocoa tree takes a year to produce enough cocoa pods to manufacture 10 tiny chocolate bars.

8. Cacao Beans Were Used as a Currency, Once in History

Cacao beans were so cherished and revered by the Aztecs that they began utilizing them as money during the height of their civilization.

9. Know the Number of Chocolate Flavours Available Across the Globe

It is said that wine only has roughly 200 different flavors, whereas there are over 500 different flavors of chocolate. 

10. Chocolates are Vegetables, well, not Literally

Cacao beans, which develop into fruits resembling pods on tropical cacao trees, are used to make chocolate. 

The cacao tree belongs to the Malvaceae family, which also includes cotton and okra. So, one could claim that chocolates are sort of like veggies.

11. Chocolate Can Help Prevent Tooth Decay

When bacteria in your mouth turn sugar into acid and continue to eat away at the tooth’s surface, generating cavities, tooth decay develops. 

Because of the antimicrobial properties of cocoa beans, tooth decay is typically avoided. Dark chocolate is preferable since it has more cocoa.

But that doesn’t imply you should have chocolate every day.

12. White Chocolates are Not Really Chocolates

Cacao, or cocoa, beans are one of the key ingredients in all chocolate.

White chocolates are created with cream or other dairy products, and sugar, and may contain less than 10% chocolate liqueur.

13. Chocolates are not Meant for Pets 

Theobromine, a poisonous ingredient found in cocoa goods, chocolates, and other cocoa-based foods, may be harmful to your pet. 

While humans quickly metabolized this component, it takes longer for pets to process it, which increases toxicity.


Having read through the article to this point, you should probably contemplate getting a pack of chocolate or two.

Knowing these fun facts will make it easier for you to know what to expect when you make a decision to take a chocolate.

Frequently Asked Questions

It will interest you to know that it takes 400 cocoa beans to make one pound of chocolate. Secondly, each cacao tree makes at least 2,500 beans. Lastly, chocolate can be enjoyed as part of a balanced lifestyle.

Chocolate is unique because it has over 600 Flavor Compounds.

Chocolate has a way of lightening someone’s mood.

Chocolate can prevent tooth decay and it can be harmful to your pets.

A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

The three benefits of chocolate are, reduces blood pressure, lowers the risk of clotting, and increases blood circulation to the heart,

Chocolate was gotten from the Aztec word “xocoatl,” which is referred to as a bitter drink brewed from cacao beans.

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