The Different Types of Kratom Strains and the Common Effects of Each

– Kratom Strains –

There are many types of Kratom strains are available on the market, and they all have different effects.  Different strains are suited for particular uses. Some are very potent when it comes to relieving pain, others ease depression, and others have strong sedative effects.

Kratom strain

This article is clearly made to explain the different Kratom strains and the effect that each of them has on the body.

What is Kratom? 

Kratom or Mitragyna speciosa is a tropical plant belonging to the coffee species. It grows naturally in the hot and humid jungles of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and other southeast Asian countries. 

Until recently, Kratom was only used by the locals as a medicinal herb. Once it has been introduced to the western world, this plant product is rapidly growing in popularity, and why not. Such is the wide spectrum of benefits. 

Does Kratom get you High ?

According to the Kratom drug profile published by the EMCDDA, a smaller dosage of Kratom can produce a stimulating effect while a larger dose can have more sedative and narcotic effects

The leaves of the Kratom plants are harvested at different stages and dried following specific procedures to deliver a range of flavors and benefits. 

Is Kratom Safe?

A study published by the University of Massachusetts says that to date more than 40 alkaloids have been identified in Kratom leaves which make this plant a highly potent herb. The 2 major benefits of Kratom are pain relief and relaxation.  

Although Kratom is technically not an opioid, it has very similar properties that aid in relieving pain, relaxing your mind and body, boosting energy levels, mood elevation, relieving depression, and much more


How many different strains of Kratom are there?

There are many different strains of Kratom and they’re identified by their region of origin and the color of the vein in that particular variety of leaves. All the Kratom available in the US is exported from southeast Asian island nations. 

Kratom strain

FDA does not officially approve Kratom as a legit herbal supplement but it is a legit product in many states in the US. While some strains are quick to induce their effects, others are slow and steady. The later ones render a more lasting experience. Here are the three main types:

Red Vein Kratom

Red Vein Kratom leaves have red colored stem and veins. Red kratom is by far the best selling and most widely available strain of kratom on the market.

The red vein is sold more than the green and white vein combined. The red vein kratom plant grows abundantly in Southeast Asia and is slightly more persistent than other Mitragyna Speciosa trees. Some studies claim that the substances that give rise to the red color of the veins also ensure that the plant is less susceptible to external factors.

Red vein leaves from a trusted source are great for beginners because kratom they produce pleasant calming effects. It gives peace of mind and it gives you a feeling of well-being and optimism.

In addition, red kratom is suitable as a sleep aid for people with insomnia. Physically, the red vein is known to relax the body and relieve pain.

It relaxes the muscles and can be used as a supplement or replacement of pharmaceutical painkillers. The strongest red kratom extracts are used to prevent withdrawal symptoms of opiate addicts.

Within the red veins, there are considerable differences in the effects and properties. Some strains such as the Red Thai or the Red Vein Borneo have a sedative effect while others like the Red Sumatra produce an elated mood.

As with the other types of kratom, the effects depend on the dose. The red vein produces in small doses a stimulating effect, but overall the red vein strains are used to promote peace and tranquility.

White Vein Kratom

White vein kratom is known as a stimulant and positive mood enhancer. The effect of each strain of course depends on numerous factors such as the quality of the product, lifestyle, and tolerance level of the individual.

However, the trend is that the white veins are the most stimulating and euphoric of all kratom strains. White kratom is increasingly taken instead of coffee (caffeine) for alertness, concentration, and cheerfulness.

Many have come to take white kratom for increased concentration, motivation, and stamina during long working days.

For those who experience gloomy periods or at times feel very exhausted experience the best results when using this strain of kratom. Advisable is to not take this too late in the day as this can lead to restless sleep.

It is common practice to mix white vein powder with red vein strains in order to achieve a more balanced boost in energy.

Green Vein Kratom

Green Vein Kratom can best be described as somewhere in between the red and white kratom strains. It is a mild energy booster that can brighten one up.

People who have experimented with it report that it helps them to enhance alertness and focus, to get in the “flow”. The green vein strains are more subtle than the red or white veins.

In general, they can be useful in the treatment of pain and other discomforts, precisely because the green veins do not lead to drowsiness, which is often caused by other analgesic supplements.

Kratom strain

Green vein kratom can be mixed with red or white kratom strains to create a more rounded flavor with a more sophisticated effect. When properly mixed it prevents the excessive anesthesia of the red veins and the overstimulation of the white veins.

Due to the balanced functioning green vein kratom is often used against social fears. You will be less afraid and more able to disregard the importance of other people’s impressions and opinions.

Therefore, the green veins are popular during recreational activities such as a night out in town. Green vein kratom makes you more talkative, friendly, and cheerful. You will be more inclined to immerse yourself among people while comfortable in your own skin.

Different Kratom Strains and Effects

With so many strains, it’s important to understand which strain is right for you. The following table serves as a comparative base for some of the most popular strains of kratom on the market.

Click on any strain below to find more information:

Ground Leaf Strains

Strains Effects Dosage
Bali An ideal balance of pain relief and energy boost. Bali works somewhat differently than a traditional red kratom. Bali helps achieve a gentle energy boost while maintaining the pain relief expected of a red. Euphoric and the most classic opiate like among the strains of kratom. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
Maeng Da Energizing and stimulating with pain killing effects. Maeng Da takes the normal pain relieving properties of a red strain and adds a nice energetic kick because of it’s specific alkaloid properties. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
Red Bali Similar to Bali with some red characteristics. This is a known as a versatile strain. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
Red Vein Thai Similar to Bali with a more classic red strain effects. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
Red Vein Kali Sedating and more classically opiate like. Red Kali is a more traditional red kratom offering pain relief & relaxation. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
Red Indo Similar to Red Kali and many other traditional strains. Red Indo is a more tame red vein strain and is often touted as ideal for mild pain relief and relaxation. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
Green Indo Balances pain relief and energy boosting qualities. The combination of alkaloids in Green Indo creates a longer lasting milder effect although there is not as high of a concentration of alkaloids as SGM. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
Green Malay This original variety of Malaysian Kratom is well known for its mood-lifting, energizing effects. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
Green Vein Kali A stimulating strain which also has painkilling attributes. Green Kali delivers a strong boost of energy without sacrificing any of the sought after pain relief effects. It is know for have a higher potency than Green Indo. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
White Vein Kali More euphoric or dissociating. White Vein Kali is a milder white strain known for its energizing qualities – when compared to Red Vein Kali – while still containing notable pain relief qualities. . 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
White Vein Thai White Thai may be the most stimulating of all white strains. There are however less pain relieving attributes than a red vein strain or a strain similar to Bali as a trade off. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
White Vein Indo Similar to Red Indo which is best known for its pain relief attributes. However White Vein Indo differs from the calming Red Indo by bringing a euphoric dissociative kick with it. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
White Borneo Known as a uniquely high quality white strain of kratom. It has known for its long lasting, energizing effect. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons
Super Green Malaysian Known for its unique ability to combine the characteristic pain relieving properties of a red strain with the energy and euphoria boost of a white strain. SGM also has some of the longest lasting effects of any kratom with smooth delivery due to the high concentration of alkaloids. 1/2 – 3 teaspoons

Kratom Extracts

Strains Effects Dosage
Ultra Enhanced Indo Most euphoric of the extracts and works well for reducing social anxiety. UEI manages to contain a full range of effects including pain relief & relaxation with a slight energy and mood boost. 1 gram or less (if mixed with powdered leaf)
Gold Reserve Extract Powerful extract made by applying highly concentrated kratom alkaloids back to natural kratom leaf. Gold Reserve is a highly potent extract providing a blend of stimulation and pain relief while providing full body relaxation with a notable energy boost. 1 gram or less (if mixed with powdered leaf)
ISOL-8 Extract ISOL-8 is an outlier and has caffeine like stimulation. ISOL-8 uniquely focuses in on the energy and stimulating effects of kratom while other extracts generally bring out a broader range of effects. 1 gram or less (if mixed with powdered leaf)
Ultra Enhanced Red Kali This extract is made by blending pure alkaloids from Red Vein Kalimantan leaf with high quality Red Kali leaf. This is not made with semi-synthetic chemicals but only all natural kratom leaf alkaloidal extract. 1 gram or less (if mixed with powdered leaf)
Natural Enhanced True Thai Made from taking a 90% pure alkaloid extraction of Thai Kratom and reapplied to a Green Vein Thai leaf. This extract is a high potency version of classic Thai kratom strains notable for a mild energy boost with significant pain relief & relaxation effects. 1 gram or less (if mixed with powdered leaf)
Natural Enhanced White Sumatra Created by taking a 90% pure alkaloid extraction from white vein kratom and mixing it with White vein leaf. This reformulation results in a more potent version of white vein kratom with significant pain relief and relaxation effects. 1 gram or less (if mixed with powdered leaf)

Kratom Common Effects by Strain

Kratom strain

Pain Relief

Red Bali – Strong pain relief, sedating
Red Borneo – Mildly stimulating, euphoric
Green Vietnam – Balanced enery, pain, euphoria
White Indo – Long lasting, energizing
Red/Green Bentuangie – Sedating, relaxing

Anxiety + Depression

Red Thai – Euphoric, relaxing
Green Malay – Stimulating, euphoric
Green Bali – Balanced, long-lasting
Red/Green Maeng Da – Stimulating, focus, euphoria


White Bentuangie – Very energizing, focus
White Maeng Da – Smooth, balanced, euphoric
White Vietnam – Invigorating, potent
Green Malay – Stimulating, euphoric
Green Maeng Da – Euphoric, balanced


Red Bali – Strong pain relief, balanced, sedating
Red Bentuangie – Smooth relaxation, pain relief
Gold Bali – Relaxing, euphoric
Red Borneo – Strong, long-lasting
Red Thai – Long-lasting, good for anxiety, pain-relieving


Red/White/Green Maeng Da – Well-rounded, smooth
White Borneo – Stimulating, potent
Green Malay – Stimulating, long-lasting
Red/White/Green Bali – Balanced, long-lasting, smooth

How to Choose the Best Kratom Vendor? 

What is the best way to get premium quality Kratom? You need to find the best vendors in the market. The wide variety of Kratom brands available in the market may easily get you confused. To ensure the quality of kratom You need to purchase from a reliable and reputed Kratom vendor. 

Kratom strain
  • Organic products: Always go for brands that are selling pure and organic Kratom products even though they are priced on a higher side. Cheap and adulterated products will not disappoint you but may have adverse effects. 
  • Lab-tested Kratom products: Look for vendors who are selling lab-tested Kratom powder or capsules. This gives you an assurance that they are selling genuine products. 
  • Diverse product range: Established vendors will always offer a diverse range of products to cater to all their customers. The product line is proof that they source their raw material from regular and trusted growers. 
  • See what the users say: With a little effort, you can go through several customer reviews to understand their experience with a particular vendor. If someone has good reviews over a long period of time, you may prefer that brand over others. 

We hope this article has been helpful to you. Please share it with anyone you think will appreciate the information and kindly drop your comment below.

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