Learn 10 interesting Shrimp Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

Many times, we often get to like a particular food that we know little or nothing about it. Shrimp is one of them, you’d probably be surprised at these shrimp facts if you read through them carefully.

shrimp facts

Shrimps are ten-legged, swimming creatures that belong to the Caridea order. 

They have a compressed body from side to side, lamellar hills, fan-like tails, a thin, translucent outer skeleton, and long antennae. 

More so, they can be found worldwide in both freshwater and saltwater environments. 

These aquatic creatures are essential members of the food chain because they provide food for several larger animals, including fish and whales.

Even though these coastal creatures are the typical American’s preferred seafood, there are still a lot of unknowns regarding them. 

Interesting Shrimp Facts

Here are ten interesting shrimp facts you should know.

1. Shrimps are Omnivorous

Shrimps often ingest minute plants and animal items by sifting through the ocean floor or purifying the water around them. 

Some shrimp species may catch and consume tiny fish.

2. You Shouldn’t Defrost Frozen Shrimp in the Microwave

When you need dinner quickly, it could seem like a smart idea to microwave frozen shrimp, but this is not a good idea. 

Shrimp cooks quickly, so before you realize it, it can go from frozen to overcooked. 

If you don’t have that much time, try placing the frozen bag of shrimp in your refrigerator 24 hours before you need it. 

If not, place the frozen bag under a stream of cold water for around 15 minutes.

3. Shrimps are Low in Calories, High in Protein

For anyone attempting to eat healthily, here is some information about shrimp.

Since shrimp have a very low-calorie content (approximately 7 calories per medium-cooked shrimp), you can eat a lot of them without feeling bad. 

Additionally, shrimp are a great source of protein and are especially beneficial when combined with veggies or other nutritious carbs.

4. In Many Parts of the World, Shrimps are Eaten with the Heads on

Many Americans might be put off by this creature’s alien-like appearance from cooking and eating it whole, however in many other parts of the world, the shrimp head is left on. 

The head has a rich flavor and crunchy texture when cooked, which some people find to be delicious.

5. Shrimp Contains a Cancer-Fighting Mineral

shrimp facts

Keep in mind the following shrimp information: including the tiny crustaceans in your diet may lower your risk of developing cancer. 

Since selenium, an antioxidant mineral found in shrimp, activates enzymes to prevent the formation of cancer-causing free radicals, this is the case.

6. There are Thousands of Shrimp Species Around the World

In every known marine niche, from the tropics to the Antarctic Ocean, there are more than 2,000 distinct shrimp species. 

The Gulf Brown Shrimp, Gulf Pink Shrimp, and Gulf White Shrimp are the three kinds that are most frequently found in our area.

7. Shrimps are Excellent Swimmers

You might be surprised to learn one of the amusing facts about shrimp: these arthropods can swim fairly well. 

They can swim more slowly by using the appendages on the underside of their tails or more quickly rearward by flexing the muscles in their belly and tail.

8. Size Varies Considerably by Species

Not all shrimp are, um, “shrimpy.” Small shrimp typically measure half an inch or less (from head to tail), however, some species can reach lengths of 12 inches or more. 

Tiger shrimp, an invasive species in the Gulf, has more tail flesh than the typical lobster and can grow to be about the length of an adult’s forearm.

9. Some Shrimps can Loudly Snap their Pincers

Although the water may appear calm when snapping shrimp around, it can become quite raucous. 

By striking their large and small pincers together, some shrimp species may produce a snapping sound that is louder than any other marine sound. 

They are thought to have done this to communicate with other shrimp or momentarily knock their victim out of commission.

10. Shrimps are an Important Part of their Ecosystem

Many crabs, fish, sea urchins, whales, dolphins, and seagulls depend on shrimp for their sustenance. 

Some shrimp species also live in symbiotic relationships with fish, removing bacteria, fungi, and parasites from their host.


We hope that these shrimp fun facts have rekindled your love for the varied and adaptable crustaceans, no matter how much you want to consume them.

If we missed any shrimp-related fascinating facts, let us know in the comments section below. 

We will acknowledge the reader in the article if we can confirm that the fact is indeed exactly that a fact.

Frequently Asked Questions

They are good at swimming. 

Ten legs.

One to six years.

Yes, they are all born males but thereafter change to females. 

Shrimp will eat everything.

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