Why Do My Eyes Hurt? Common Causes And Remedies

Why do my eyes hurt? Mild eye pain may be a sign of fatigue or eyestrain. When suffering from a sinus infection or migraine headache, the area around the eyes may also hurt. Eye pain may occasionally be a sign of a more serious disorder. This article will provide you the common causes and treatments for your eye pain.

Why Do My Eyes Hurt

Where Does it Hurt?

An issue with your eye or the areas nearby can occasionally cause discomfort or worry, such as:

Orbit: a bony cavity in your skull called the eye socket, which houses the eye and its muscles.

Sclera: your whitest of eyes

Conjunctiva: your sclera, which is very thin, and the interior of your eyelid

Extraocular muscles: They turn your eye around.


More Areas

Iris: your colored iris, with the pupil in the center.

Cornea: your eye’s frontal clear window, which concentrates light,

Eyelids: coverings outside that shield and cover your eyes in wetness

Nerves: They convey visual data to your brain from your eyes.


Eye pain

Below are the causes of eye pains;

1. Eyestrain

When the eyes grow fatigued, eyestrain occurs. This frequently happens when someone is finishing an activity that requires them to focus their eyes for extended lengths of time.

This may cause dry, watery, or itchy eyes. The following are some potential causes of eyestrain:

  • looking at screens
  • driving
  • reading
  • having exposure to bright lights

Eyestrain can be reduced by resting the eyes. Every 20 minutes, it is advised that you take a break from activities like reading.

Screen brightness can be changed, glare from lights and windows can be diminished, and regular breaks from driving can also be beneficial.

Additionally, eyestrain and headaches may result from an inaccurate eyeglass prescription. It is advisable to visit an eye doctor on a frequent basis because vision changes with time.

2. Dry Eyes

A typical trusted source ailment is dry eye. It happens when there aren’t enough tears produced by the tear ducts to keep the eyes wet.

Among the signs of dry eye are:

  • redness
  • sensitivity to light
  • burning or stinging eyes
  • blurry vision
  • scratchy eyes

Older folks, women, and those who do not consume enough vitamin A or omega-3 fatty acids in their diet are most likely to experience dry eye.

Dry eye is also more prone to develop in those who have certain autoimmune diseases, such as lupus or Sjogren’s syndrome.

Long periods of screen time can also cause dry eyes because people may not blink as frequently. This disease can also be made worse by wind, smoke, and air conditioning.

Eye drops that moisturize the eyes as well as prescription drugs that increase tear production are used to treat dry eyes.

If excessive tear duct drainage is the cause of dry eye, having the tear ducts surgically blocked may be beneficial.

3. Fungal Infections

Eye infections can also be caused by fungi. People who wear contact lenses and those who work in gardens or on farms are more likely to acquire fungal eye infections.

People with diabetes weakened immune systems, and diseases that call for corticosteroid therapy may also be more vulnerable.

A fungal eye infection may result in:

  • eye pain
  • redness
  • blurred vision
  • sensitivity to light
  • tearing
  • discharge

For these symptoms, it’s critical to get medical attention straight away.

All fungus eye infections require prescription medicine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Antifungal eye drops, medication, and, in some circumstances, surgery, may all be used as treatments.


Why Do My Eyes Hurt

Serious eye infections or diseases, like fungus infection or uveitis, cannot be treated at home. However, they can help persons with dry, itchy, or weary eyes by relieving their symptoms.

Several natural therapies are:

Resting: When a person relaxes their eyes, ocular pain brought on by strain and an inaccurate prescription can lessen.

Regular pauses from screen time or reading can help to prevent eyestrain.

Using Humidifiers: People with dry eyes and those who live in dry regions can benefit from humidifiers since they can enhance the amount of moisture in the air.

More Remedies

Try Over the Counter Eye Drops: People with dry or fatigued eyes may feel better after using hydrating eye drops, which give moisture to the eyes.

Reducing exposure to irritants: Air conditioning, smoke, and strong winds can all make your eyes dry. Trying to limit one’s exposure to these irritants could be beneficial.

Stop Smoking: The eyes become itchy from cigarette smoke. Smoking raises the risk of eye disease and harm to the optic nerve.

Consuming dark, leafy greens, oily seafood like salmon and halibut, and foods high in vitamin A like carrots and broccoli to lower the risk of eye disorders.


When to See a Doctor

A person should contact a doctor if their eye pain is severe, ongoing, or is coupled with additional symptoms like pus or light sensitivity.

Seeking medical help is also necessary if you experience any eyesight loss.

If they suffer any eye pain, people who are at risk of developing eye illness or problems should also visit a doctor.

This includes those with diabetes, hypertension, and immune-compromising illnesses. Serious problems can manifest in newborn infants.

However, eye pain is frequent. When someone spends a lot of time focusing their eyes on devices or books, they may get dry eyes or eyestrain, which can both lead to these symptoms. A scratched cornea, an infection, or migraine may cause more severe eye pain. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I Stop my Eye From Hurting?

Limit screen time.

2. Should I Worry if my Eyes Hurt?

You should be worried.

3. Can Dehydration Cause Eye Pain?

Yes, it can.

4. Does a Brain Tumor Cause Eye Pain?

Sure, it does.

5. What Were your First Signs of a Brain Tumor?

Gradual loss of sensation or movement in an arm or a leg.

6. What is Usually the First Symptom of a Brain Tumor?

 A headache.

7. Can your Eyes Tell if you have a Brain Tumor?

A regular eye check can detect if you have a brain tumor.

8. What are the Symptoms of a Tumor Behind the Eye?

Blurred vision.

9. Can you Survive a Brain Tumor?

Yes, you can.

10. What do Brain Tumor Headaches Feel Like?

They can be dull headaches that feel like pressure and get worse when you cough or sneeze.

Your eyesight is priceless. Eye pain must be taken seriously to be protected. We sincerely hope that this article was helpful, share your questions with us in the comment box below.

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